The Brabantse Wal Liberation Foundation tries to keep the data on this website up-to-date and complete. The foundation also strives for good accessibility of the website and the services offered on it. The Brabantse Wal Liberation Foundation reserves the right to change the content of the information on the website. If there are inaccuracies in the data or if the information is no longer up to date, Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal does not accept any liability. You may only re-use the information on this website in accordance with the rules of mandatory law. Without explicit written permission from Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal it is not allowed to (re) use text, photo material or other materials on this website. Privacy plays an important role in the relationship between Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal and third parties. Liberation Brabantse Wal Foundation is responsible for personal data and data exchange in all areas where it is active. The Brabantse Wal Liberation Foundation is obliged to handle the collection, storage and management of personal data with care and in a safe, proportionate and confidential manner. Protecting privacy is complex and is becoming increasingly complex due to technological developments, decentralization, major security challenges and new European legislation. That is why Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal believes it is important to be transparent about how we handle data and to guarantee privacy. We use the following principles for this: We explain why Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal needs the data. We do not collect more data than is necessary. use. The persons whose Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal uses the information are aware of this fact. We ensure that the information is correct. The Stichting Bevrijding Brabantse Wal protects data against unauthorized access, loss, destruction and damage. ? We like to help you.
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